Voices of UP Video Library
Incredible videos that showcase our culture, our curriculum, and our community.
Incredible videos that showcase our culture, our curriculum, and our community.
We're sending a huge thank you to all of our Read UP donors and participants that made the campaign a success!
Our students say it best! Hear from Bramwell about his experience of the supportive, caring, and talented community at UP Academy Boston. To enroll or learn more, visit upeducationnetwork.org.
Hear from Mr T, Christian and Melissa as they discuss student led debates, group work, and owning your own learning in middle school science at UP Academy Dorchester.
Hear Ms. Ouansa, Jaida and Leah discuss Shadowshaper, gentrification and other engaging topics from their English Language Arts curriculum at UP Academy Boston.
Ms. Power and Mr. Lester discuss the importance of social emotional learning and making sure students are fully supported and known at school.